
It is funny how emotion sneaks up on you when you least expect it. I think of myself as hard as nails in matters of news and information because I have spent so many years in that world and

I understand the necessity of keeping emotions

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There was no Sunday Mass to attend this month. There hasn’t been Mass for many months now. It is a sign of the troubled times. I miss that. Church in all its forms and with its many faults still provides structure and an opportunity for reflection. It is good

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The Atlantic may be quiet in Lark Harbour today. The sun may be shining and the waters calm, but people will never look at the ocean in the same way again. A terrible accident killed two men when they were thrown into the water when their open boat overturned.

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They are the ghosts of another generation. I hear the sounds of their play sometimes. It is the sound of skates on new ice and the sound of pucks rattling off wooden boards in old rinks. These are the sounds hockey players now gone to dust who were hired

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Religion when I was growing up in Newfoundland is certainly not part of the much talked about ‘good old days’. So much of our history was a divide along religious lines. Many won’t want to remember this because it isn’t comfortable, but I can tell you some horror stories.

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