Snook’s $20,000 shave Quest

Want to see one of the island’s most famous hairdos get the chop? Snook is putting his locks on the line for a worthy cause this, the Shave For The Brave

By Herald Staff

The Shave For The Brave Campaign is one of the more prominent and noteworthy campaigns for the Young Adult Cancer Canada association of the calender year. Thousands of dollars have been raised in the name of cancer research, with droves of dedicated participants opening their hearts and shedding their locks in the name of a worthy cause.

Now, comedic gem and provincial icon Snook is the latest to put his infamous do on the line, that is if he can best Jerome Kennedy’s record of course! Hear more from the man himself, Snook!

What inspired & motivated you to launch this campaign?

I’ve been following the whole Shave For The Brave thing for quite a while, now – really wild stuff to be at. I mean – shaving your whole ball! That’s way past any Ice-Bucket Challenge, right?

So I looked into what the Young Adult Cancer Canada crowd does, and it’s all good stuff for people who really need it – stuff no one else seems to be doing. Then my barber razzed my hair-do, said it hasn’t changed in the 35 years he’s been cutting it … and the penny dropped – now is my time, I figure.

You are widely known for your signature hair. It must have been a difficult decision to put that on the line, even for an amazing cause. Do you think Dougie will give you grief for it?

Dougie won’t believe it – he’s betting I back out. It told him that if I’m gone all ‘public’, raising money for the cause and all, I pretty much got to go through with it, eh boy? No doubt there will non-stop mockery, but he’s just jealous of my mop, because he could shave his head nobody’d even notice …

You’re aiming to take down Jerome Kennedy’s record of $20k raised. That would be quite the milestone. Definitely some bragging rights.

Oh man, I’d say. That’s a lot of moolah. I raised more than that for the Cerebral Palsy crowd way back in 2005 when I ran the Boston Marathon, but not sure I can even come close this time around. Hope so, though. We have a long way to go, but I’ll work hard at making Jerome number two. That’s where he belongs, sure, anyhow. Knobby lawyer.

How do you hope to raise that much?

We have a few ideas. One is a ‘Corporate Challenge.’ We want businesses big and small to consider passing the hat amongst the staff and management, then match whatever comes in.

The business that raises the most, “per-capita”, as they say, gets a visit from Snook at their Christmas Party or whatever. Same for schools, and this worked really well back in 2005.

I will visit the school that get the most shavers, and the school that raises the most per student – just to say thanks and to have a bit of fun.

We also have a special offer from the wicked folks at the Public Service Credit Union. They’re going to match the first $5,000 that comes into my fund-raising page! Right? So as soon as I raise $5k, I’ll actually have $10,000, and be halfway to the goal. Deadly.

If you just so happen to lose the hair, do you think you’ll have a hard time adjusting? Any plans on how to make the look work?

I’m thinking hats. I’d never find a wig cool enough, so a hat might be the way to go. Not a ball-cap, because they’re for punks and losers. Maybe a salt ‘n pepper sort of deal, like Harry Hibbs, or go all-out with a sombrero. It’ll be summertime the whole time the hair is growing back, and come August I might have enough to slick again. Or who knows, maybe I’ll head for a whole new look. Always kind of liked the dreadlocks …

There’s a special link for donations, by the way. It’s Of course people can always just go to the website, and search for ‘Snook’ … there’s only one on there, they tell me. I also have the link on my Facebook page, etc.

So that’s it – gonna be weird to feel that razor and get a cool breeze on my scalp. Be the first time since I was six. What a buzz …

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