One young and talented Hodge’s Cove native is pursuing her country music dreams
Just call Hayley Peddle of Hodge’s Cove Abigale. Confused? The talented performer laughs. “I want to be fully dedicated to the artist I’m trying to become, and at this moment that artist is Abigale. So, whenever I perform I go by my middle name, Abigale. I’m still sticking to who I am and being true to myself,” the 15 year-old shares.
While Peddle is certainly wise beyond her years, she also has more advanced traditional musical influences and tastes as well. “I always found old country the most inspiring.
“Just listening to the fiddles and guitar always brought a smile to my face and not just listening to the music but lyric-wise I love the stories the old country singers performed.”
She knew that was the kind of music she wanted to make. Her favourite performer is Hank Williams.
Her favourite song to sing? “I really like performing Angel From Montgomery. It’s the older song but I love that one,” she says.
Legendary idol judge
Peddle gives some of the credit for being where she is today performance-wise to Canadian Idol’s legendary judge Zack Werner.
“He’s been awesome. I don’t think I’d be the singer that I am today if it wasn’t for Zack. I’ve had many music teachers over the years, but at first I was being trained classically and now I’m actually getting that rough, more country voice.”
She met Werner a couple of years ago at The Rocket Bakery downtown on an open-mic night he was hosting. She knew instantly she wanted to continue working with him.
It’s been working for her, as she shares she gets as much stage time as she can handle.
“I try to perform as much as I can. Usually I’m in town every weekend either playing out at Erin’s (Pub) or I’ve done the Farmer’s Market a couple of times and I just try to get as much exposure as I love performing. That’s what I love doing. So the more that I can perform the better.”
Besides performing, Peddle is working on a music video and she has some exciting tours she’s planning on being a part of. “I have some great things coming up,” she says.
Around the province
There’s one, an all-ages country music tour, she’s excited to be participating in. “There’s so many talented young and exciting artists around the province, and it’s so hard to find the right places to perform when our audience and the people who want to see us perform is so young.”
She’s also excited to be planning some shows on home turf in Hodge’s Cove. What has been the most surprising so far on her journey, we ask, and who are her heroes in the industry?
“It’s definitely got its upsides and downsides. I mean, I’ve been performing in bars since I’ve been 12 so I think that that’s kind of been hard. But it’s what you have to do.”
Also an eye-opener? The hours and commitment put into driving her back and forth from performances.
“Driving two hours each way from Hodge’s Cove to St. John’s to do three songs and come back again is hard. That’s why a supportive family is so important.”
One of her heroes in the industry is a Canadian country music singer-songwriter from St. Catharine’s, Ontario.
“I’ve just been learning a lot over the past couple of years and I recently met Tim Hicks. And while I was talking to him he was telling me about how music offers all its own unique learning experiences. Music is all about the journey you’re on and the people you meet along the road. It’s not about the destination. It’s all about the journey and I think that’s the most important part of this business,” she says.
Family support is key too, of course, especially because she’s still so young. “My family has supported me. They’ve always encouraged me to follow my dreams and to always pursue what I love.
“And right now music is my life and that’s what I hope I continue to do. All the support I’ve gotten from them, driving me to town, driving me to my gigs, I’ve just been so thankful for them.”
For more on Hayley ‘Abigale’ Peddle visit