Author: Jim Furlong

Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, during the general election of 1964 said, that “a week is a long time in politics.” Consider now the roller-coaster ride that has been the American presidential race in recent days.

After the disastrous performance of incumbent President Joe Biden

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Joe Smallwood said once after the provincial Liberals had lost a by-election that the people had exercised their “God-given right to be wrong”. It was well said. We must remember that and such concepts like ‘the will of the people’. It is for left leaning people like me a

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It is funny how emotion sneaks up on you when you least expect it. I think of myself as hard as nails in matters of news and information because I have spent so many years in that world and

I understand the necessity of keeping emotions

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There was no Sunday Mass to attend this month. There hasn’t been Mass for many months now. It is a sign of the troubled times. I miss that. Church in all its forms and with its many faults still provides structure and an opportunity for reflection. It is good

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