Before they grace the cover of The Newfoundland Herald next week, Adam Pike and Sam Picco of season seven of Big Brother Canada are set to meet their fans for an up close and personal night that Big Brother fans are sure to never forget.
Newfound Promotions presents Big Brother Canada 7 houseguests, Adam Pike and Sam Picco. #SADAM, Newfoundlands very own showmance, is ready to show their love to their Newfoundland and Labrador fans. Join them at Club One for the first official appearance of Adam “The Marine” Pike and the pint-sized powerhouse, Samantha Picco. This night calls for autographs, selfies, dancing and drinks and so much more!
The event takes place on May 25th at Club One in St. John’s and is 19+. Tickets and more information available through the official Facebook event site, presented by Newfound Promotions.
Pick up your very own copy of The Newfoundland Herald’s June 2-8 issue next week for our in-depth chat with Pike and Picco on a showmance turned romance, post BBCAN plans and much more!
*Photography by Sara Rostotski