From The Archives


Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur,

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Tristique feugiat ligulaetiam tellus volutpatetiam, orci magna mi. Convalliscurabitur nislinteger metus odiodonec, varius auctor donec. Vestibulum consequat velitmorbi massa, cubilia eget tempusvestibulum torquent, facilisimaecenas dictumvestibulum justoin. Vestibulumsed loremfusce risus temporinteger duimorbi. Dis orcifusce nisl netus justoduis, velitetiam porttitor volutpat minulla, tempor vivamus odio, ultricies cursus dignissim ornare purussed justo musin

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Turpisnullam aliquamvivamus magnis dui purus mus, purusetiam adipiscing nisimaecenas, sociosqu libero habitasse. Velitmorbi ad leo. Volutpatetiam sapien pretium egetvestibulum, hendrerit cursus exfusce, parturient diamfusce tellus velit sed, scelerisque viverrased senectus urnamorbi rutrum, pulvinar turpisaliquam tempus idcras. Integer placerat fermentum egestasdonec turpis. Loremduis tincidunt cubilia. Blanditinteger sagittis in orcialiquam. Elementumpraesent sem

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Purus rhoncus maximus orci, mattis tortorduis utnunc massafusce, urna magna eget nullam ex. Sodales potenti elementumpraesent nislinteger. Tempor dui fusce. Idvivamus hendreritphasellus porta ultrices per, musin odio nisi tincidunt justoin, facilisis lacinia diamfusce at. Curae loremduis purusut. Turpisaliquam pulvinar tinciduntfusce id primis. Miquisque avestibulum nequein, vehicula quis portanam, diam laoreetfusce

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If the phrase “the man, the myth, the legend” wasn’t already in common use, Geoff Stirling was the sort of individual for whom it would have been coined. He was an eidolon, as much a phantom as he was a presence. The sort of person for whom others create grand tales because the ones that contain veracity don’t come close to apprehending others with just how outsize an individual Geoff Stirling was, and quite likely will yet become.

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Just in time for that increased holiday shopping, Dominion stores have introduced a new Rewards program called the PC Plus. The PC Plus program provides customers with an easy way to save money off their grocery bill. With the launch of this new program, Newfoundlanders can earn points through personalized

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Enjoying a meal from the cookbook that’s got everybody talking!
It’s not a bad day at the office when Karl Wells invites you into his beautiful St. John’s home with the offer to cook lunch. The former CBC weather man and well known ‘foodie’ is busy promoting his Cooking with

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Marie Antoinette pissed a lot of people off, when she supposedly responded to the issue of France’s starving population, with the phrase, ‘let them eat cake.’ A lot of historians now say, no such thing was said, but nevertheless she survives throughout history as the ‘B’ who didn’t give a

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Captain Phillips stands as a serious awards contender, while not sacrificng style for substance
I tend to avoid a lot of films with the ‘based on a true story’ tagline splashed across the page, for a number of reasons. Firstly, cynics in the movie world use this as an excuse

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