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Have you ever noticed how every Christmas season, you inevitably start reminiscing about past holidays? About the old Christmas ornaments that you made in Beavers, or how when your grandmother used to stay with you she’d always have these funny sayings, about how much things have changed but it’s nice

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As a raging wildfire later referred to as ‘The Beast” bore down upon Fort McMurray, residents like Courtney Abbott hoped for the best while never imagining the worst.
The raging wildfire that has laid waste to an area larger than the Avalon Peninsula, wrecking one-tenth of Fort McMurray, destroying 2,400

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If there’s a nurse in your family, reach out and give them an unsolicited thank you for being their best when you, or someone you love, is at their worst! No doubt you’ve called on their care and comfort more times than you can count. A nurse is never off duty for family. So remember, the next time they offer you a piece of celery, chow down, and know they are doing so with only your best interests, and your intestines, in mind!

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Singer-songwriter Ian Foster is set to present his sophomore short film Keystone at this year’s Nickel Independent Film Festival
Ian Foster told The Herald in a recent interview that he’s worn a different amount of hats in his artistic career in Newfoundland and Labrador. Quite so.
Foster is a notable

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If the phrase “the man, the myth, the legend” wasn’t already in common use, Geoff Stirling was the sort of individual for whom it would have been coined. He was an eidolon, as much a phantom as he was a presence. The sort of person for whom others create grand tales because the ones that contain veracity don’t come close to apprehending others with just how outsize an individual Geoff Stirling was, and quite likely will yet become.

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