*Originally published in our July 3-9, 2022 issue
From B.C. fires and Alberta floods to tornadoes in Ontario and ol’ blow hard hurricanes like Larry ‘round here, Canada has had it’s share of problematic weather.
Residential schools, the freedom convoy, gas prices, and the fact that our Prime Minister has tested positive for COVID twice in the last six months – just as we’re about to kick off Come Home Year 2022 – is enough to make even the most positive among us pop a top and swig mightily before hiding out until the calendar turns yet another page. But then look what we’d all be missing out on if we did? At least if your living in the 709, anyway.
We all call home
The finest Drag Queens this side of the Atlantic will be taking over the bandstand stage on George Street for the first time in history as they strut their finery for all in what aims to be one epic lip sync battle, true testament to how far we’ve advanced as a society when it comes to loving and accepting and celebrating one and all in this world we call home.
Come Home Queer in Broad Cove aims to be the spot to be this July as towns in Conception Bay North give a whole new and wondrous meaning to Come Home Year 2022. There was a time not too very long ago when anyone who was perceived as being ‘different’ had to hall arse out of our outports for paved pastures in big cities up along. No more, and that’s a mighty grand thing. I’ve had the pleasure of doing some early staycationing around pockets of this island, and all I’ve experienced so far is positivity, love, and a roll out the welcome mat greeting.
I stayed with Michael and Karen at SeaGlass B&B in New Perlican and not only did they share their home, their grub and their magnificent view with us, but their skill at stain glass as well.
Side-by-side, Michael walked us through the creating of a sparkling star fish and a glittering sail boat, sharing tidbits of all the other wondrous sights that should be taken in while in the area. I met the gals from Just Like Sisters (they are cousins who look like they could be twins) Bakery & Sweet Shop, I climbed aboard the Irish Mist with Dennis and Paula at the Dildo Boathouse Inn and chowed down on the finest chowder along side some enthusiastic come from aways. I dined later that evening with Pauline and the gals while having a laugh at Route 66 Diner & Pub. Michelle Rowe put our weary heads down for a night, tucking us into her tucked-away piece of heaven on edge of the ocean called The Cove overlooking Cabonear Island.
If that wasn’t enough, Michelle generously shared her painting prowess and taught two skill-less but wannabe painting wonders how to create paintbrush renditions of silhouetted fishermen mending their nets at sunrise.
Where we stand
Tyler at Lobster Pods in South River, Jerry at The Doctor’s House Inn & Spa and Todd at George House in Dildo – gracious hosts all who can’t wait to share their own little piece of Canadian heaven with the rest of the waiting world.
While I might be feeling a little overly romantically optimistic after staying with some incredibly generous people in some majestic and incredible places around the island, I still think it’s fair to say that, at least in our little pocket of this country of ours, this is still the best place in the world to be, a place worthy of standing on guard for.
My oh my, Oh Canada! Based on the view from where we stand, you sure are one beauty of a country to call home.
Pam Pardy, The Herald’s Managing Editor, can be reached by emailing [email protected]