The last of the snow is gone. The often-cursed snowblower, which is hard to start, is put away for the last time. There were a couple of flakes of snow in the waning days of April, but the death grip of winter weather has eased, and the eternal hope of spring has come again. We will live to see another summer.
Yesterday was a great day. The temperature got up to double digits and the sun shone and all seemed bright and beautiful in my world.
After a nice day of light work in the garden that included cutting up the old Christmas tree and picking up Molson tins, obviously, the work of vandals, wife and I sat out back with our faces to the sun and talked about all the things that needed to be done.

The list is staggering. We are older now, but that does not shorten the list. It just makes it harder to get done. There are trees to be cut and paths to be made and rocks to be moved. As an aside, there’s something primitive and almost spiritual about using rocks to provide order.
Unfortunately, I have other more complicated chores besides rocks.
A boat must be moved down to the pond. That’s not easy. It’s the first boat I ever purchased new. I grew tired of fixing leaks and replacing rotted wood and doing all the other things trying to keep water out of my boat. Life is like that really. Trying to keep water out of your boat.
Other things on the agenda this year might include a new flower bed and maybe an addition to the little artificial pond we sit beside to solve the world’s problems and set our course.
Last Friday evening we had a little barbecue in the dying light of a spring day. The birds started chirping as the sun went down beyond the tree line. I used to call them the “stunned birds” to my children 30 years ago because the birds did not know the difference between dawn and evening.
Before the barbecue, during it and after we outlined our summer projects. There as a big debate about getting a garage built. That will not happen because of lumber prices.

A tent that was shredded by the winds of a Newfoundland winter won’t be replaced. I was voted down on fixing it although the vote was one to one. Marriage can be like that. There won’t be anymore land cleared to make more gardens. Half our property is woodland, and grass is high maintenance. That’s my story.
I eagerly await next Friday evening and more sun, a little beer and wine and more excellent Friday night plans.
NTV’s Jim Furlong can be reached by emailing: [email protected]