

Sharon Snow is one of NTV’s most dynamic employees — a force in the boardroom and star in front of the camera

It’s been almost three decades since she arrived at NTV – bringing talent, grace and enthusiasm to a career that continues to evolve.
Most know

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As a raging wildfire later referred to as ‘The Beast” bore down upon Fort McMurray, residents like Courtney Abbott hoped for the best while never imagining the worst.
The raging wildfire that has laid waste to an area larger than the Avalon Peninsula, wrecking one-tenth of Fort McMurray, destroying 2,400

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Jennifer Mews is passionate about the ancient art form of yoga. So passionate, in fact, that she has started offering yoga classes to local school children. A school teacher during school hours and a yoga teacher after class, Mews gave us the lowdown on her popular Kids Yoga classes, currently

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Natasha Dominaux leads quite a happy, yet busy, life. Besides being mom to 11 year-old Riley, seven year-old Lilly and four year-old Ryder, she’s also a proud, yet hectic-scheduled, hockey mom!
Not that she does everything alone, mind you. Hubby Dwayne is around when he can. In fact, he’s Riley

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