
Religion when I was growing up in Newfoundland is certainly not part of the much talked about ‘good old days’. So much of our history was a divide along religious lines. Many won’t want to remember this because it isn’t comfortable, but I can tell you some horror stories.

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Joe Smallwood believed in the democratic process. Well, sort of. Once following a by-election that the Liberals lost, Smallwood said to the assembled press the next day that the voters in the district had exercised their God-given right to be wrong.

That is a good introduction

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I note with interest the passing of Edsel Bonnell earlier this month. He was part of the history of NTV. Edsel worked with us in the 1950s when we were still CJON. He worked in radio and was an important part of the CJON coverage of the IWA dispute

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The largest part of my career in the media has been in the world of television but my earliest memories of broadcast are from radio. When King George VI died in 1952, I have a clear memory of the radio announcement. I was six years old. The news was

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Vince Gallant is dead. He had a good run at it and was well into his 80s when he passed. I hadn’t seen Vince much recently. A couple of times at Radio Television News Directors meetings but that was about it. When he worked with NTV News, though, I

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