

Been a year, now, since I started this whole business of scribbling down things every week for The Herald. In fact, this here is official-scribble number 52. And you know what that means? It means Dougie owes me a dozen. He bet I’d never keep it up for the whole

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A cultural icon, Newfoundland hero and Hockey Hall of Famer, Bob Cole opens up on the release of his debut biography, Now I’m Catching On. 
If you dare to call yourself a flag waving, passionate hockey fan, you are aware of the exact magnitude to which Bob Cole is embedded

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Some of this province’s best represent Canada at the 2016 Cadet and Junior Pam-American Karate Championships
Five athletes from this province will be in Ecuador in August representing Canada at the 2016 Cadet and Junior Pam-American Karate Championships that take place in Guayaquil, Ecuador from August 22-28.
It’s the first

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As a raging wildfire later referred to as ‘The Beast” bore down upon Fort McMurray, residents like Courtney Abbott hoped for the best while never imagining the worst.
The raging wildfire that has laid waste to an area larger than the Avalon Peninsula, wrecking one-tenth of Fort McMurray, destroying 2,400

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If there’s a nurse in your family, reach out and give them an unsolicited thank you for being their best when you, or someone you love, is at their worst! No doubt you’ve called on their care and comfort more times than you can count. A nurse is never off duty for family. So remember, the next time they offer you a piece of celery, chow down, and know they are doing so with only your best interests, and your intestines, in mind!

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