Author: Herald Staff


It’s been forty years, but the impact is still felt for many across the province, country and beyond. Atlantic Blue by Ron Hynes captured that in song 
By: Russell Bowers
In the four decades since the tragedy of the Ocean Ranger, the impact of that event resonates still

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NTV’s Jesse Stirling recounts how the annual NTV/OZFM/Newfoundland Herald Teddy Toss came to be, spurring on years of generous and from-the-heart giving 
What a year 2021 has been! The holiday season will be a welcome break for everyone. Stirling Communications (NTV, OZFM and The Newfoundland Herald)  just celebrated our

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Russell Bowers reflects on a very different kind of Christmas of yesteryear, and one with ready-made magical holiday memories.
Without fail, the holiday season brings with it an endless array of messages extolling the “magic” of the season.  And certainly, if you’re awaiting Santa or you are captivated by

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