Jesse Stirling


By: Russell Bowers
Unlike it’s December counterpart, the seasonal traditions of Easter aren’t nearly as universal as Christmas. The Herald celebrates some of the customs these Newfoundlanders hold dear
Easter has long had associations that fall outside of the religious observance, many of which hearken back to traditions and customs

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COVID and its many variants has come with a cost both personally and beyond for so many, but one high-profile NLer believes that while COVID has so many negatives, it can be overcome
ewfoundland’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Janice Fitzgerald, warned that, at some point, COVID-19 would eventually impact all

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COVID and its many variants have derailed many well-laid plans, but one high-profile NLer is testament to the fact that COVID can have a much more personal cost
That most people will eventually get COVID-19 was one of the messages the province’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Janice Fitzgerald, laid

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In part one of our in-depth three part series, Jesse Stirling outlines his taxing battle with COVID-19
Many know Jesse Stirling as the face of NTV’s Meetings With Remarkable People.  Grandson to the late, great Geoff Stirling, and son of the vivacious Judy Stirling and highly respected Newfoundland Broadcasting President

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NTV’s Jesse Stirling recounts how the annual NTV/OZFM/Newfoundland Herald Teddy Toss came to be, spurring on years of generous and from-the-heart giving 
What a year 2021 has been! The holiday season will be a welcome break for everyone. Stirling Communications (NTV, OZFM and The Newfoundland Herald)  just celebrated our

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