Pam Pardy


While we might think of Covid as something that keeps us separated, in some cases it brings family home at just the right time
It took two years, but my daughter finally had her confirmation. Who knew, when the process first began back in 2019, that COVID would

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It’s hard to believe that I started writing for The Herald back in 2003. For the past 18 years, I’ve been telling the stories of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians and sharing a scatter yarn about my own life along the way.
While I was a freelance contributor those first few years,

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Mothers are magical, mythical creatures curing gaping, wildly bleeding wounds with butterfly kisses and bear hugs. When order cannot be restored with lightly laid on lips, a bandaid with winged ponies may steadily slow a tumbling trail of salty tears and bubbling blood. 
Those fairytale-like mommy moments don’t always come

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From flirtin’ to being told off in fine style, having a laugh with Mike Lynch is just what the doctor ordered to get us through pandemic times
“We’re all madly in love with you over at da Herald,” says I, as way of an opening when Mike Lynch gets on

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With a year’s worth of surviving a pandemic under our collective belts, we can say one thing for certain and that’s this: thank goodness we live where we do. Beyond the fact that being surrounded by water has made our contact with COVID somewhat more manageable, that we also have

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