Newfoundland and Labrador

*Originally published in our August 21-27, 2022 issue
The movie-star-like personality that was the late Geoff Stirling often philosophized that we are stars and producers of our own movie: life. 
That we get a staring role and have the privilege of dictating the direction of our own destiny is a

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No matter where you choose to stay, dine or unwind in Newfoundland, each welcome is warm and each experience staggeringly splendid
So far this summer, The Newfoundland Herald has had the divine pleasure of staying in and visiting some spectacular establishments. From dinners and delights in a barn-like setting in

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*Originally published in our August 14-20, 2022 issue
It was just past five in the morning of what promised to be another lovely summer day. I was out on the deck having coffee and looking at the paper in the half light of a new day. When you are older

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Ryan Snow serves up a taste of home with his new studio effort Tales from the Lighthouse in our latest album deep dive series
Local musician Ryan Snow, a Harbour Grace native now living in South River, is no stranger around a tune. A longtime member of Sheila’s Brush, Snow

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Newfoundland and Labrador’s very own Elvis Presley tribute artist Al Eagle stepped into the spotlight recently to perform in his hometown
Born in the rural town of Parker’s Cove, Albert Murphy, aka Al Eagle, buttoned up one of his signature jumpsuits to perform an Elvis tribute show at the Parker’s

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Wanna get your mitts wet and quite possibly covered in fish? Then head out to Petty Harbour and see Kimberly Orren and Leo Hearn at Fishing for Success. 
On the day we head out in the boat, Liam Duggan  joins our crew to help bait the jiggers and haul in

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Seacliff House Productions is home to treasures you never knew you needed until it’s discovered you simply couldn’t possibly live without that perfect find
It doesn’t matter if it’s a tea cup, a spinning wheel, or that one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry – if you’re looking for it, chances are good you’ll

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*Originally published in our August 7-13, 2022 issue
There was a sadness about Pope Francis when he arrived in Canada on his tour of “penance” last week. He’s a decent fellow and genuinely has offered apologies and sought forgiveness for the sins of the Roman Catholic Church against Indigenous children

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For this celebratory Come Home 2022, those in the tourism industry showcase and highlight their best with homey hospitality & loads of heart
Doctor’s House Inn & Spa ~Green’s Harbour, nl | Part two

Jerry Byrne might be an engineer, but he’s also quite an entertainer. On the day

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For the last 60 years Marble Mountain in Corner Brook has been a much desired winter destination, but for summer 2022, it’s become an all season destination delight
Dustin Parsons, Sales & Marketing Manager at Marble Mountain, could gush for days about the fabulous summer they’ve had so far and

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